theres a story to set up how i got this GREEN box car.
we have an annual Christmas party for our train club. and its a common thing for each person whos interested in playing DIRTY SANTA (and no, its not THAT kind of 'Dirty") Game, to bring a gift to exchange.
rules go something like this: 1st 5 players pic a gift thats not theirs from under the tree, and can opt to swap out with anyone of the next person or, wait to pick the gift they want till the end. if they havnt had 3 turns on one item. after one item has exchanged hands 3 times it is officially owned.
anyway, i got my chance to go under the tree, picked out a gift, and opened it up, and it was scenic trees. man! i liked those, so it became a running joke that everyone would come and tease me about getting them, but then would go get the thing they wanted more...just to make fun of he fact i REALLY liked MY gift. it wasnt a dud to me. i had plans.
you read that right, i HAD plans.
well, par the rules, one of the people who was one of the 1st 5, took my trees, and handed me his ugly green box car. i was nearly in tears.
looked at that thing, and was thinking what in the world would i do with THAT?!?!?!
mostly feeling hurt that those trees i really liked got taken from me.
im not lying when i think you could have heard a pin face, im sure said it all for the room.
i was CRUSHED.
and here i was, sitting there, with this ugly green box car and no idea what i was ever gong to do with it.
i had purchased the engine just a few weeks before, and already had the idea to "bling" it up. i hadnt officially started it yet, byt the club christmas party, but i had the idea set indie me, to do it.
so, after i gathered my injured and crushed pride, and my husband came over to me to console my grief...i decided id make this the 1st BLING box car!
when life hand you lemons you make a BLING BOX CAR!
so, i started work on her at the start of the year. by the 10th of january, i was finished. and...quite proud of what i had accomplished. i think she came out BEAUTIFULLY!
heres the pics as i worked on her..start to finish:
the GREEN car, BEFORE i made changes to her
doors move and come off
base coat of..SILVER (thats the color of the glitter glue i used-SILVER GLITTER GLUE)
side 1
one end
end and side 1
side 2, wanted to have something INSIDE the car, to show dimension
1st end and side 2
other end
other end and side 2
other end and side 1
inside-this is some heavy plastic coated in some gold and crystal stuff, very weighty. im hoping this works when the engine has too pull it, because its quite heavy.
the open car door with the glitter stuff inside
a complete RED BLING BOX CAR!
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