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Wednesday, January 12, 2011



this is hopeful, if this is truth...
Sorry this is not out of line or illegal. sorry this urks me.

The title T-trak can not be copy-written, only trade marked and that
name is currently trademarked by a lighting company. while trains
could be considered a different use of the name it would need to be
put through the trademarking process by lee to see if it would fly
(and an investment in $$ to do so).

the basic concept of ttrak is also not protected under copyright,
ideas like this are protected under patent law. again this would
require putting it through the patenting process to see if that would
work and as there are preceding modular train concepts (ie ntrak) i
doubt that would fly.

what is protected under copyright by lee are her words and diagrams on her website and handouts. others can write about those concepts, change and adapt them in their own words and even call it ttrak and that is permitted under copyright as long as they dont out and out copy her words or with little modification.

cant we get past this 'ownership' issue. the concept of ttrak was
originated and nurtured by lee, but NO ONE currently owns the rights
to the concept of ttrak as the name is not trademarked and the basic
idea/concept is patented. no one has any legal rights right now to
tell anyone they cant use the name ttrak or adapt or promote new or alternate ideas of ttrak in N or other scales



"others can write about those concepts, change and adapt them in their own words and even call it ttrak and that is permitted under copyright as long as they dont out and out copy her words or with little modification."

"no one has any legal rights right now to
tell anyone they cant use the name ttrak or adapt or promote new or alternate ideas of ttrak in N or other scales."

if this is true, i CAN create this idea...and NOT be feeling threatened to be sued because i wanted to incorporate Lees idea into T-Gauge. the statement above would lead you to believe that i can adjust, and even name my modular system T-Gauge-T-Trac, or even use the Australians name for their system (T-Trak-T) , and it would be completely legal.

all i wanted was a system either allready out there for T-Gauge, or the allowance (without legally infringing on Lees idea) to make a portable modualr system for the T-Gauge.

it would be pretty cool, tho to be the one who created the standard, so when i died, id have some form of movement associated :)
even if its only the size of 3 millimeters between the

i could revolutionize the T-Gauge community! and have this ready, and have a web page, and specs up, and have people ask me for kits...
it would be in HONOR of my husband, whom i love dearly, he doesnt even own a T-Trak, hes allows me to play in all the different areas of model train enthusiasm. 
im in this because i love him, and want to share with him, his hobby.
this is how i show him how much he means to me, by taking on an idea that hasnt been developed yet.
and seeing where it takes me..

it could work... :)

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