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Wednesday, January 12, 2011



this email was about track. and if in such a tiny size it would hold up to the abuse of being "snapped" together and then pulled apart over time. a legitimate concern. and appreciated for its thought.

Hi Michelle,

The thing that makes T-Trak really work well (at least in N & HO) is the robust track and joiners produced by Kato. Other scales may have some T-Trak possibilities, but without an available, similar track system with robust and replaceable joiners, their performance will fall short of T-Trak-N and T-Trak-HO layouts using Kato's Unitrack products. The closest thing to Kato quality in other scales is probably Micro-Train's line of Z gauge track, but their joiners are two piece affairs, and frankly are so small and fragile that using them to hold the modules together as well as the track is marginal. Bachmann's EZ-Track in HO has built-in plastic clips for holding the track sections together, so it sort of works in HO, but these fingers are easily broken, rendering that section of track useless as a joiner piece (although it could be used in the interior of a module as long as it was well attached to the deck).

I'm not sure how well the available T-gauge track sections & their joiners will work in a T-Trak application, but at least being a smaller scale, the modules could be made as small and light as possible to avoid over-stressing the track joiners.

Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress.

 my track looks like this image (i think). hard plastic with snap/plug-in joiners (for a better and train-term language). i might be wrong. i cant remember. im pretty sure i have the plastic set for tracks. they are so small compared to z, scale, i dont remember any


im pretty sure, they would hold up to the constant "snapping" together and pulling apart abuse.
and for the most part, would only even really be used when id take this system to some show, or event anyway. for the rest of the time, id prolly have this T-Guage system sitting in one of my display cases at the club.
i dont even leave my z scale engine, or my T-Gauge engines there. they all come home with me. i DO have a dummy T-Gauge passenger car sitting in the display with a Z scale caboose, and an N Scale caboose, just for size reference.


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